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https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.03499 WaveNet: A Generative Model for Raw AudioThis paper introduces WaveNet, a deep neural network for generating raw audio waveforms. The model is fully probabilistic and autoregressive, with the predictive distribution for each audio sample conditioned on all previous ones; nonetheless we show that arxiv.orgv1 2016, v2 2016IntroductionJoint probabilities 를 pixel/wor..

https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.04558 FastSpeech 2: Fast and High-Quality End-to-End Text to SpeechNon-autoregressive text to speech (TTS) models such as FastSpeech can synthesize speech significantly faster than previous autoregressive models with comparable quality. The training of FastSpeech model relies on an autoregressive teacher model for duratioarxiv.orgv1 2020, v8 2022ICLR 2021Introduction기존..

https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.04645 HyperTTS: Parameter Efficient Adaptation in Text to Speech using HypernetworksNeural speech synthesis, or text-to-speech (TTS), aims to transform a signal from the text domain to the speech domain. While developing TTS architectures that train and test on the same set of speakers has seen significant improvements, out-of-domain speaarxiv.orgContributionDynamic Ad..

ICASSP 2022https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.03857IntroductionIn research, the text content of training and test data are often highly similar and in the same text domain. For many real-world applications, TTS systems need to deal with text input with arbitrary content across a wide range of domains.specific target speakers 로부터의 데이터를 증가시키는 것 : costly or impractical → “non-target” speakers 의 데이터를 사용하는 것..

Interspeech 2022https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.05798Contributionpresent transfer learning methods and guidelines for finetuning single-speaker TTS models for a new voiceevaluate and provide a detailed analysis with varying amount of datademonstrate that transfer learning can substantially reduce the training time and amount of data needed for synthesizing a new voiceopen-source framework, provide a ..